Friday, July 31, 2009

Another Brush Footed Butterfly

This is a another brush footed butterfly that showed up earlier this month. It was all browns and grays and when it lit on a branch, it was very well camouflaged.

It has black and white antenna like the earlier brush footed butterfly I found in my backyard. I haven't been able to identify what kind of butterfly this particular insect is. However, I'm pretty sure it is a butterfly, rather than a moth.

It's been quite an experience going on safari in my own backyard. I've taken hundreds of photos of butterflies, dragonflies, flowers, beetles, leaves and spiders.


Christine Perry | Graphite Art said...
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Christine Perry | Graphite Art said...

Whatever it is, Butterfly or Moth... it's just gorgeous! You did a wonderful job drawing it!
It sounds like you were having fun taking all those many pictures in your back yard. :o ))